Three options for making a Finnish log candle


A Finnish or Scandinavian candle is a campfire construction common among hunters and fishermen, consisting of one vertically installed thick log. It can be used for lighting, heating and cooking.

Finnish candle manufacturing options

A log for a Scandinavian candle can be prepared in three ways:
  • an ax;
  • chainsaw;
  • drill on wood.

The manufacturing option affects not only the convenience and speed of preparation of the log, but also the burning parameters. It is best to make a candle from dried logs with a height of 40-60 cm and a diameter of 25-35 cm. Height affects heat transfer, and thickness affects the duration of burning.

Making candles with an ax

You need to choose a log without knots with smooth fibers. It splits with an ax into 6-8 blockheads. The wedge of their center cleaves in such a way that, when reassembling, the log becomes a tube.

After preparation, chopped firewood is collected back to the log. Below it is tied with a steel wire that will hold it, not allowing it to fall apart. If it is not used, then the candle will burn less.

To light a candle, you need to cut into the wood chips the chopped center of the log, and then place them in a log pipe. One sliver is ignited by a match and lowers to the kindling. As soon as intense combustion begins, you need to pour a little more small fuel on top. So it is necessary to repeat until the log itself starts to burn.

Making a candle with a chainsaw

The log with the help of a saw blooms lengthwise into 6 segments. They are sawn at 2/3 of the height of the log.

Ignition is carried out in almost the same way. A little wood chips are placed in the center of the log. Since the chainsaw does not create a tube in the core of the log, then a little fuel will fit.

To ensure easy ignition, you can slightly pour wood with gasoline directly from the saw tank.

Preparing a log with a drill

For work, you need a pen drill on a tree with a diameter of 20-30 mm, the length of which is equal to or greater than 2/3 of the height of the log. First, a longitudinal hole is made in the center of the log, which runs along its core.

After that, the side hole is drilled in such a way that it coincides with the longitudinal one.

If you install a drill in a cordless screwdriver, then you can prepare a candle even in nature. You can also use a manual screw drill, which generally eliminates the need for a power tool.
Igniting such a Finnish candle will also not cause difficulties, but only when using a well-burning kindling. In its quality, you can use a piece of cotton wool soaked in paraffin, or a piece of rubber, for example, from the camera of a bicycle or a car. Burning kindling is placed through the side hole in the center. Kindle logs only with wood chips will be more difficult, but also possible.

Features of burning candles

Candles made with an ax and a chainsaw flare up quickly, burn brightly with a lot of heat, but burn out in 3-5 hours.

Their only difference is that after burning a candle with a manufactured saw, there is no fireplace left in the form of scorched earth.
As for the candle with drill holes, it burns 2 times longer and is great for cooking, because a small fire does not cover the pot with soot. Also, it does not burn the earth, but flares up slowly.
When using candles for cooking in a pot, one must take into account that the dishes should be placed on a stand to allow smoke and fire to escape.

In its quality, 3 pebbles stacked on the log end or cloves clogged to the same height can be used.

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