To create the turtle you will need:
• Threads of the same thickness, but in different colors and shades. I used small hanks that remained from past products - it is very convenient and practical, by the way.
• Hook and scissors.
• Needle with thread for stitching parts.
• Sintepuh for stuffing.
• Large black beads or small beads for the eye.
All details will knit in approximately the same way, some will be larger, some will be smaller, but the beginning will always be the same - the Amigurumi loop. We start to knit with a shell. It is easier to build on it so that all other parts are the same size. We make a loop and tie it with six columns.
Next, we knit three more rows, with the usual additions, to make a small pancake. The fourth row is already starting to be knitted with a thread of a different color.
Having finished the contrast row, we again return to the thread of the previous color.
We make another row and tie a new color, and cut off the old thread, it will no longer be needed.
Thus, we make rings of different colors so that the carapace is striped.
Around the same, only without stripes, we knit the head of a turtle, a belly, four legs and a tail. We stuff all the details with a synthetic fluff and sew together.
It turned out like this wonderful turtle. Such a toy will undoubtedly be one of your baby’s favorites. Experiment with color and pamper your beloved child, he will be very grateful to you.