Gel Pens Darts


Not so long ago, delving into my supplies, I discovered an old dartboard target. Darts have long been broken and lost. I did not want to buy a new kit, and I decided to make new darts from the handle body.
Conventional gel pens were taken as a basis. First, remove the core with the paste from them, and also unscrew both caps. Then you need to take clay, a needle, matches and a piece of notebook paper.

Take the front cap and insert the needle into it, point out. Then we take plasticine and close up the notch in the cap tightly. After this, you should take the matches and slightly melt the plates, so it’s better to fall into the cracks on the thread. After this, the clay will sit down a little, and it will be necessary to sculpt it more tightly. Then you need to take a piece of notebook paper and roll a dense cushion from it, along the diameter of the cap. We need it so that the needle does not subsequently come out. We take a small pillow, and we sculpt it on top of plasticine, we also stick plasticine on top. Everything, the main part is ready.

Next, you need to make plumage for the dart. It is made of paper. To do this, take the album sheet, make a square out of it and bend it according to the following scheme. The green lines are the fold outward, the blue lines are the fold inward. After that, it will look like a pyramid, in which you need to cut off the top a little. Then we smear the handle body with PVA glue and put on the plumage. Smooth the paper so that there are no bubbles, and let it dry. Then we put on a cap with a needle. Everything, the craft is ready.

How to throw. Throwing such a dart is slightly different than usual. Such a dart must be balanced on the finger and mark this place with something, for example, scratched with a knife. For this place, and you need to hold the dart when throwing. It remains only to train throwing it at the target. By the way, due to its greater weight, such a dart will fly further than a regular one.
