Cereal Bottle


Such bottles are sold in specialty gift shops. But, excuse me, you can make them yourself! There is nothing complicated. A small creative translation of the products available in the house, a minimum of effort and we will receive a wonderful souvenir for the kitchen, and it’s completely free.
To make such beauty, we need:
Unusual transparent glass bottle - 1 pc.,
Color groats - several types,
Twine or any decorative thread of arbitrary thickness,
PVA glue,

Wash bottle from stickers and labels and dry. For this souvenir, the bottle should be dry inside and out. Pour colored cereal into layers in the finished bottle.

You can use a funnel to fall asleep small cereals, and a broom for large ones at once

I used beans and lentils in two colors, peas, buckwheat and rice. I also wanted to use colored salt, but no, here it would be superfluous. Layers of cereals should contrast with each other, then the souvenir will look good. Try to also make layers of the same width and not alternate between large and small grains. It is best to start with the largest ones (beans, lentils, chickpeas) and gradually switch to smaller ones (rice, buckwheat, semolina). The narrow neck looks spectacular precisely with small grains.

If you make a bottle as a gift, then it is better to sort out cereals and beans, removing all rubbish - pebbles and spoiled grains. Filling the bottle completely, you need to plug it with a stopper or close the lid and tightly wrap the neck (or part of it) with twine. The role of twine is exclusively decorative, it can be replaced with a cloth or tape. Use glue to secure the thread. It is not necessary to glue the entire thread, it is enough just to fix its ends with glue.

A very original souvenir is ready to decorate the kitchen shelf.


Watch the video: Should I Put Cereal in Baby's Bottle? CloudMom (January 2025).