Ice cream based on three components without sugar and special equipment


In the world of culinary real ice cream boom. What professionals do not cook gastronomic ice cream from! Bacon and herring, tea and herbs, cactus and various types of cheeses, alcohol become the basis of the "winter cold".
But even in your kitchen without exotic products and special equipment you can create a real dessert masterpiece! For this recipe you need only three components such as honey and cream, eggs.
Chicken eggs, purchased even when not hot, can be a dangerous product. After all, they actually are not subjected to thermal heat treatment to prepare such ice cream. Therefore, instead of them, try to use quail eggs, which are safer, according to experts.
Improvise as well. To do this, a little. As soon as you change the honey variety, the taste will also change.
Ingredients for about three to four servings:
honey (in this case, buckwheat) - from 100 ml, quail eggs - 14 pcs., cream (33% fat) - half a liter.

whip cream with a mixer. As soon as persistent foam forms, send them to the refrigerator.

Bring honey to a boil and cook on low heat for no more than five minutes.

Beat the eggs with a mixer. Foam will appear, without stopping the process, pour a thin stream of honey. Beat the mass up to the moment when it gains room temperature.

Then you can, carefully helping yourself with a spatula, combine the honey mass with cream.
Prepare an ice cream mold. It may not be special dishes for such a dessert, but just a container for freezing food. It is recommended to lay out cling film. Pour the resulting mass into it. Cover the top with a film and a tight lid.
But, given the fact that you have to visit the ice cream every half an hour, mix it and, preferably, with a mixer, this is not entirely convenient. If you decide to use a fork, then you can strictly follow the advice with cling film.
And this time I’ll try to do without her. Because the freezing process will accelerate significantly. And ice cream should be smoother.
Which method is not chosen, then you should do the same. Keep the closed container at room temperature for 30 minutes before shipping to the freezer.

The first time you mix honey, make sure that it is frozen. And then do this every half hour, not forgetting to scrape everything from the walls of the tank, preventing ice crystals from forming on them.
You see that the mass does not freeze completely, there may be several reasons:
• the temperature regime was violated (there is not even -18 in the freezer, not to mention the ideal -24 degrees);
• poorly whipped or mixed.

If you cook in the evening, it is better after four or five manipulations with stirring (with a fork, mixer or blender) to leave the ice cream alone until the morning. By this time, it will freeze as it should. And you can have a real gourmet celebration! Just hurry, honey ice cream is quickly prepared, but it can melt even faster.


Watch the video: Plating Reimagined: One Dessert, Three Ways (January 2025).