Hair clip "Bouquet"


The use of different colors when creating hairpins and hair clips is always at the peak of popularity. Their charming and familiar beauty can decorate any hairstyle.

To make the clip "Bouquet" you will need:
- hairclip.
- scissors.
- satin ribbon in four shades: pink, cream, green and purple.
- glue gun.
- center for flowers with a diameter of 1.2 cm.
- multi-colored sparkles.
- lighter.
The creation of jewelry.
Ribbons 5 cm wide in purple and pink must be cut into even squares. Beige parts will need 12 pieces, and purple 28 pieces. From a beige ribbon, prepare the main flower.
To do this, the square part should be folded in half, being guided by the diagonal line drawn between the opposite corners of the workpiece.

Holding the part on the right corner, you need to wrap the sharp corners to the center, fully combining the slices.

On the resulting square, a strip of two folds is formed, along which it is necessary to bend the part in half, leaving these edges outside.

As a result, we get a rounded apex at the petal. It remains to draw up the remaining parameters of the part. Uneven corners should be cut and scorched thoroughly.

0.4 cm should be cut along the entire length of the petal; the obtained slices, divided in half, should be completely scorched, protecting the tape from shedding.

It turns out a rounded petal for the main flower.

From the remaining squares of a beige hue, similar petals should be made. Now you need to create details for the purple flowers. For this, the squares should be bent in half, forming a regular triangle.

Then the triangular part must be folded in small folds, evenly distributing the distance between each addition.

As a result of the actions taken, the slices of the petal are non-dimensional, so they need to be cut off and scorched by the fire of the lighter.

The result is a volumetric petal. From the remaining details from the purple ribbon, 13 more petals must be prepared.

Next, you need to combine the prepared petals into flowers. From 12 beige petals, you get the main flower, characterized by a large diameter. Connect the petals in a circle, combining only their base.

From purple petals you need to make two small flowers. Fasten the parts should be 7 pieces together, combining the base at one point.

Now, from a tape 2.5 cm wide in bright pink, it will be necessary to make 11 equal squares with sides of 2.5 cm.

From the details obtained, prepare petals for small flowers. Create the petals, repeating the sequence of manufacturing beige details.

Of all the bright pink squares, you need to prepare such petals.

Then from them connect one flower with 7 petals and a half of a flower from 4 parts.

Now you can combine the flowers for decoration. In the center of each inflorescence, you need to glue the finished middle of rhinestones and beads. Then, on two sides of the main flower of beige color, purple blanks should be attached, and pink flowers should be attached to one another, tightly pressing the petals.

It remains to fix bright pink flowers and complement the composition with green petals.

On the wrong side of the bouquet, you should attach a rounded detail made of beige ribbon, which completely covers all the bases of the petals and their joints.

Next, exactly in the middle, it remains to fix the hair clip.

Turning back the decoration, all the flowers must be treated with colorful sparkles.

Clamp "Bouquet" is ready!
