Decoupage gift


It is not so difficult to make an original thing using decoupage technique yourself. Everyone still has unnecessary banks, but if you make a little effort, this simple thing will become an exclusive gift. For creativity, you need some materials that are quite affordable. If something is not enough, you can purchase. The cost will still be lower than when buying a ready-made gift, which is likely to be fashionable and necessary, but certainly not so sincere.

Material List:
• Plastic jar (from balm);
• Emery paper (fine-grained);
• PVA glue;
• Napkin with a pattern;
• Liquid for degreasing (something alcohol-containing);
• Sponge for dishes.
• Acrylic primer (can be replaced with acrylic paint).
• Acrylic varnish (no pungent odor).
• Brush (synthetics).
• Beads.
• Glue for beads.
• Satin ribbon.
How to prepare a jar
To make the decoupage done by yourself, look professional, you will have to follow all the necessary steps. The first step is to prepare the surface: remove the stickers, a dry clean jar must be degreased. Any alcohol-based product or nail polish will do. After that, it is advisable not to grasp the outer surface of the can, or wipe it again.

Sanding is also necessary, otherwise the soil will have to be applied much longer. It is necessary to walk with a fine sandpaper over the entire surface, especially carefully treat the bends, wipe the dust with a damp cloth.

The jar is ready for processing. Soil is sold in art stores, is inexpensive. It can be replaced with white acrylic paint, but it is more liquid, which will increase the operating time. You will have to apply more layers to achieve uniformity.

You need at least 2 layers, each must be thoroughly dried, otherwise a thing made using decoupage technique with your own hands will turn out to be messy. For convenience, the soil can be cast into another container so as not to introduce dirt, which can then be on the work surface. You do not need to apply very much, on the first layer you will see the bank, this is not scary. It is important to allow the soil to dry completely, and only then continue. Subsequent layers will hide all the flaws. Their number varies, it is necessary to continue until the result is satisfied. Leaks need to be sanded, to level the surface as best as possible. Before applying a napkin, it is worth covering the jar with varnish. Otherwise, the napkin will fold, the work will look messy.

Acrylic varnish can be purchased in the department of construction products, anyone will do. You can use ordinary varnish, if there is no problem with odor tolerance. Many layers are not needed, 1-2 is enough. Rinse the brush immediately and wipe it with a dry cloth.
Work with a napkin
The selection of pictures is very exciting and creative. It is not necessary to use large fragments of motives; you can use several small ones.

In this case, I took several roses, occupying almost the entire front of the can, and another one for the lid.

The cut-out fragment should be moistened with water in the center, and gradually smooth the napkin to the edge with a brush or fingers.

The main goal is to expel air bubbles, trying to prevent the formation of folds.

It is important to avoid sudden movements and strong pressure, or thin paper will tear. To fix the napkin, most often use PVA glue. It must also be applied from the center, it can be thick, after drying the glue will not be visible. Then the product must be dried. This can be done at room temperature without using a hairdryer.

The napkin is finally fixed with a varnish, up to 30 layers will be required here to even the edges of the motifs. But if a thing in the decoupage technique is done with your own hands as a gift to a loved one who will not find fault with the “step” at the edge of the picture, 3-5 layers are enough. Acrylic varnish when applied has a milky color, this is normal, it will become transparent as it dries.

The lid also primed and glued the motive. But why not use other materials at your fingertips? It can be the remains of beads, rhinestones, fimo. I found beads of different colors. Beads arranged in random order. Glue will suit any brand if it is universal.

I made bows from a narrow satin ribbon, and also glued strips at the joints, but it is quite possible to do with beads alone. The best gift is the one made with the soul!

Using decoupage, we turned the jar from under the hair mask into a unique piece of furniture with our own hands. You can store hairpins, souvenirs, jewelry in it.

The flight of the author’s imagination is not limited by anything, it’s not at all necessary to adhere to certain rules or to copy someone’s work exactly. Although it’s not worth violating technology, so that labor is not wasted.

But the most important thing is that such a gift will make a deep impression, because the author spent a lot of time and effort to make it, which means he really tried to please a person close to him.
